Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Making an Indian teepee unstitched

We are interested in learning how to make an Indian teepee not sew?I bet you do! The teepees for children are an ideal retreat.For the kids love them! (and me too).

Under an Indian teepee the kids can read stories, invent stories, draw ... everything! Even dreaming with open eyes. Definitely a teepee can be a great idea to create a space for play and recreation in the children's room.We told you how to make an Indian teepee without sewing!

With a little patience and skill, you can make a teepee home without taking needle and thread. What do you think of the idea?

materials needed

6 wooden bars approximately 2m high
hot glue gun
scraps of cloth
Step of an Indian teepee unstitched

First, DRILL a hole 30cm from the end of each wooden bar, right in the center of each. Then, with the help of someone else, assemble bars 6 as shown in the image and the jute aseguradlas (jute passing inside the holes). If you wish, you can put a little glue on the base of each bar of wood to secure them to the ground.

Cut out fabric rectangles of different colors and designs. If you have scraps, aprovechádlos for this project. Carefully, begin to build the Indian teepee, wrapping the wooden bars with fabrics. Colocad some glue on the bars and carefully pegad each rectangle of fabric, overlapping to create a very chic look.

When you have finished covering the teepee, you can ensure every piece of cloth from the inside. It is likely that over time is off somewhere, but I mean fix just take the hot glue gun.

What do you think this fun idea nursery decor?

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