They look good eh? We left a few photos and then the planes with fabración instructions . We can take up to 3 different chairs a washing machine.
An arm chair made with the chassis and foam. If you do this at home, remember to protect the edges well to not cut your.
The second chair leaves the drum. Well, if you do it from an old washing machine will not be as silver, shine or both ;-)
The third chair is constructed with lids. Really interesting. Three chairs a washer # WTF
And a detail of making this last chair.
Although this last picture if we see the rusty washer on the other images appear to have been made with a new washing machine.
I've fought a few washing machines, and if they are old, are much more affected. Take fine sandpaper for iron, and buy a spray appliances sold in any teienda paint or hardware store. The leave as new.And APRA drum, a product to remove the lime.
DIY Instructions
If you want a bit more quality I've left the images large as 2 attachments at the end of the article.
Here's the exploded view of a washing machine
And a video with the cutting of the washing machine and the parts used to make the chairs.
now gives a good looking to your cloth with using this Washing machines